About us

DIDAKTIKER was founded in 1991 to expand the artificial intelligence field to teaching and education. In this process it has pioneered the creation and development of languages teaching-oriented software. It has received grants by both the Ministry of Industry and Europe for the following research projects
- Eureka E! 2499 Tele Expert
- Eureka E! 2894 EMTR
- e-Agents
- c-Extractor
The company has invested more than 6 million euros in R&D&I projects, having been nominated for the Eureka Lynx Award in 2006 and 2008. We have developed the intelligent DDK System, Internet Sharp Technology and the Infographic Knowledge System.
Right now we are developing the LangMind project to create the DDK Linguistics technology and make the study process more dynamic and effective. Two technological centers are collaborating on this project: BCBL (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language) and Elhuyar. The technologies involved in this project are Artificial Intelligence, Neurolinguistics, metalinguistic tagging, LipSync and 3D avatars.
Over 20,000 students endorse us.
The DDK System technology fulfils all functions of a teacher. It makes the student’s knowledge diagnosis, designs the learning strategies and plans the session dynamics. Thanks to this technology, this online learning multimedia system obtains much better results.
The DDK System c-Extractor project is based on the creation of a Virtual Teacher who plays the Virtual Tutor’s role. The project of the system DDK transfers intelligently the structured information from its database to target all the information to the automated learning extraction system on which it is based.
In developing the e-Agents project, an intelligent virtual environment was created. In this virtual environment the Virtual Pedagogical Agents work together in the creation of the most sophisticated required language simulator in the current market.
Langmind’s project aims at the creation of a new linguistic technology by DDK. In this project, Artificial Intelligence technologies, Neurolinguistics, linguistic label, LipSync and 3D avatars are used. Two technological centers jointly take part in it: BCBL (Basque Center of Cognition, Brain and Language) and Elhuyar.
2025 © DIDAKTIKER S.A. Promoting didactics and research from 1991.
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